Khed, now Rajgurunagar is a town situated near Pune, marks its existence on the map of India for being a birth place of great freedom fighter Hutatma Shivram Hari Rajguru.
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Hutatma Rajguru Memorial
Hutatma Rajguru Memorial
Khed, now Rajgurunagar is a town situated near Pune, marks its existence on the map of India for being a birth place of great freedom fighter Hutatma Shivram Hari Rajguru. The birthplace is a Wada, located on the left bank of river Bhima, built by Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj about three hundred years ago. It was then gifted to Pandit Kacheshwar Shastri Bramhe, the Guru of Chatrapati and ancestor of Hutatma Rajguru.
Being the birthplace and witness to his childhood, the Wada needs to be conserved as the Memorial.
The Existing Structure
A 300 hundred years old wooden framed structure with an open to sky courtyard, built in stones and bricks cemented with lime mortar.